Spiritual Articles, Energy Healing, Negative Energy Removal
How Do You Get Possessed
Negative Energy Cleansing
Demon Exorcism
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These are various articles I have written on demon entity and spirit attachment, and energy related issues.
My articles have been used as teaching sources by other healers, and have been praised as some of the most informational and best articles on these subjects. To read more of my articles visit my SelfGrowth.com Expert Page
How People Steal Your Power, Energy and Soul
One of the most untalked about subjects is the subject of how people
steal other people's power, soul and energy. It is more common then you
can understand and it goes beyond the realm
of the physical dimension with people and extends into the non-physical
dimension with non-physical beings.
People on earth have what is called the soul, or personal power. The
soul of humans is something that can be taken or given away or stolen.
The act of "soul stealing" is a common phenomenon among people in
relationships where one person is a dominating or power taking person.
People also have what is called an energy field or aura.
A common problem that most people have is that somewhere in life they
became dis-connected to their own personal power or soul and because of
this they have become dependent on the energy of other people. The term
"Energy vampire", or "Psychic Vampire" is often a misunderstood term,
but it is basically a person who lives and feeds off the life force or
energy of other people. The "energy vampire" person is actually unable
to develop their own energy, and in turn they have to go "outside" of
themselves to get energy. The main cause of energy stealing or feeding
is a lack of connection to ones own personal power or soul, for if you
had a connection to yourself on a deeper level you would have no need to
use other people for energy. It is extremely common among humans
although only a few people are actually aware of it, in terms of having
to protect their own energy from being stolen or used by others. On a
deeper level, the act of taking or using someone else's energy is based
on having power over another person, and it is a lower level of
consciousness that people have chosen to operate under.
A common belief is that energy vampires are negative people or use
negativity to drain you, although this is not true. Someone can take
your energy just by you speaking to them, listening to them speak,
looking at them, or being close to them in terms of space, (like if you
were to stand very close to another person). It has nothing to do with
being negative, it has to do with a person who is on a lower vibration
energetically, and just by dealing with them, your energy is taken.
What is even more interesting is most people who take or use other
people's energy, do not know they do it. This is because most people do
not understand how energy works, therefore they have no idea they are
draining you of your energy. The people who understand how energy works
and are also users of other people's energy are what I call
"Professional thieves" meaning they actually purposely choose to use
other people for energy. I had a friend at one time in my life who told
me she would purposely "steal" other people's energy and feed off of
other people energetically. I asked her how she did it and she said,
"with her mind". She said she would pull people to her intentionally
just with her thoughts and by just someone paying attention to her, she
could take their energy. I asked: so a person has to be paying attention
to you?, and she said yes, by them paying attention to me, they give me
their energy. This makes a lot of sense, because whatever people focus
on, they tend to give their energy to. I later found myself always tired
and drained around this "friend".
Whenever we have a relationship or interaction with another human,
the other human we are having the relationship with or interaction will
either function on two levels.
The first level is the giver level, this is a person who does not
have any type of hidden agenda or desire to control or have power over
others. This level is how people should function with one another. This
level is what is right and respectful within the universe as the way you
are "supposed" to operate as a human being. Within the universe humans
are supposed to be beings who "share" their energy with each other, and
not take one another's energy and not give back anything in return.
The giver is a person who is connected to the "light" as they say,
meaning, this person has a connection to his or her own inner power/soul
and has no need to use other people for energy, because they can
develop their own energy. This is how you are "supposed" to function as a
human being.
-The giver has an energy field (aura) which develops its own energy and in turn gives that energy to others.
The second level is the user/abuser and taker level.
The user is the human who has chosen to dominate, control, have power
over, or manipulate one another as a way to compensate for his or her
own lack of power, understanding and soul. The user may be completely
unaware of his or her actions and functions on "automatic pilot", not
really knowing who they are and why they operate the way they do.
Some users understand more then others and actually purposely steal other people's power, energy and soul.
The user tends to associate with other users and givers usually avoid
these types of people. The user may be in high profile positions, such
as teachers, healers, leaders, etc. The user is more common within the
race of humans then the giver. This is due mostly to unhealthy choices
and being spiritually dis-connected to ones own power and soul. The user
tends to operate under fear, which is due to his or her own lack of
power, understanding, and higher consciousness. The user functions at a
level at which non-physical beings of a dark nature function at, which
is a level of over powering one another, dominating one another, or
attempting to control one another.
-The user has an energy field (aura)
which is reversed, meaning it does not develop its own energy, but
instead it gets its energy from outside of itself, from other people.
As we deal with one another in a social or sexual relationship, we
exchange energies completely unseen by the naked eye. When a user
operates with another user there is very little power lost or stolen
between the two people as they are both users and operating at the same
When a user operates with a giver, there is an imbalance of energy
exchanges. What this means is the user cannot give or exchange energy
because of his or her lack of power, while the giver tends to "give"
energy to the other person which is the user. So this imbalance creates a
unhealthy relationship between the two people, as one person takes and
the other person gives. As the relationship develops the user can
actually steal whole parts of power or soul from the other person who is
a giver. These parts of power or soul that are stolen from the giver
are usually unknown to them because of there lack of understanding of
how the soul functions on an energy level in regards to "Soul Loss". As
parts of personal power are stolen they create openings or holes in the
energy field. Once a person begins to develop holes in his or her energy
field they are "energetically vulnerable" meaning they have power
missing from them which in turn has caused them to be open energetically
to non-physical beings. The attachment of non-physical beings in a
persons energy field is what causes a person to develop lower levels of
consciousness, energy, and power. The more power a person has stolen
from another person, the more power is lost from that person and the
more energetically vulnerable that person becomes.
It is important to understand that we are not living in a world that
is made of kind and loving beings, although you may believe you are. The
darker truth of life is that this world we live in is made mostly of
fear based beings, lower level humans, and dark consciousness. For if we
lived in a loving world there would be no need to fight, battle, have
power over each other, start wars, or hurt one another.
The fact that humans have lived for thousands of years, and have created
nothing but sickness, pain and misery within one another is only an
example of how humans operate on a deeper level.
Now, I believe there is a time for change. That we must understand what is wrong in order to fix it.
That we must choose to understand who we are, and learn to make the
choice to not live in fear, or give our power to others, or allow fear
and lower level energy into our lives.
Until we understand that there is no more need for fear, or pain or misery we will never change.
To make the choice to become spiritually intelligent is to understand who we really are.
Who we are is not a living breathing human being, but we are much more
then that. We are soul beings, trapped in a physical body until we make
the choice to leave this world.
So when a person comes to you to steal your power, what are you going to say to them?
No! You cannot steal my power, go get your own energy and power and stop
using other people for your own personal benefit. When we make the
choice to not allow others to use us, we choose to become self-empowered
through our own choices to not allow other people to make us sick.
Dark and Negative Spirits and People
Negative spirits are those who at the time of death did not choose to
cross over to the other side but instead became trapped on earth as
whole souls. Negative spirits are also not like common earthbound spirits in that
they have chosen to work with the darker side of consciousness in our
Negative spirits work as partners with the dark forces to have power
and control over people, steal people's power, and help the dark forces
in their work on earth. Negative spirits have an intent to harm, hurt
and steal power from the people they possess. Negative spirits were most
likely negative people in their time on
earth. Negative people were those souls who while on earth spent their
time as the attacker, violator, abuser, or just chose to hurt others for
fun or pleasure.
The negative soul or person is the soul who chose to not live in
their "light" on earth but rather in their "dark side" while on earth.
The "dark side" of our souls is the part of us that we do not like to
look at, the part of us we like to keep hidden, or suppressed, or shut
Everyone has a dark side or "shadow self" and some of us choose to
express it more then others. Those who chose to heavily express their
dark side, chose to not live in the light of their soul and chose to
live an unbalanced way of life. The expression of the dark side of the
soul is not wrong, but when done in extremes is an unhealthy existence
and way of life. To overtly express the dark side of ones soul would
mean to commit some kind of unhealthy act such as murder, rape, torture,
sexual abuse, child abuse,
war, genocide, etc. To commit acts like these causes a disbalance of
energy, places you onto a negative threshold of existence which has
darker consequences and does not promote the growth or empowerment of life on earth.
Now, there is no such thing as right or wrong, but there is such a
thing as choosing unhealthy and healthy choices. If the causes of your
choices promote more misery and pain on earth then you helped contribute
more lower level power and energy to this planet. Now, like I said
there is no right or wrong or judgement after death,
but if you spent your existence on earth creating more pain and
sickness for humanity then you will have to end up paying for that in
the form of karma, which means you will have an energetic debt that you
will have to clear up before you are allowed to move on to the next
stage of your existence.
Life is not about being a dark or light person, but being a strong
combination of both, which means you understand and accept your dark
side. It is not something you hide or are ashamed of, and you understand
your light qualities as well. This understanding and acceptance of your
dark or shadow side is what creates balance, and it is what this
universe wants for you in order for you to evolve beyond light and dark.
For if we choose to hide or mask our dark side we suppress a hidden
power that is a part of us, but that we choose to deny. Suppressing
parts of our selves creates a disbalance of power and does not allow
ourselves to grow and evolve. We have to accept all the parts of
ourselves no matter how dark or unhealthy they may be, for this creates
balance which is needed to grow.
There are multiple different dark and negative spirits that work with the dark side.
The first is the "demon spirit entity".
The demon spirit entity is a demonic or darker level spirit entity.
The demon spirit entity works very much like demons in that they create
fear and pain in the people they possess. The demon spirit entity was
most likely an extremely negative person that chose to create nothing
but pain while on earth. Because the demon spirit entity was once human,
it followed the same exact lifestyle and choices that it did as a
human. Most or all dark and negative spirits were dark and negative
people and they chose the same exact lifestyle and choices after death.
The demon spirit entity is a much more darker and negative form of
spirit entity then most other negative spirit entities. The demon spirit
entity intensifies all fear based beliefs, thoughts and emotions, just
like actual demons but in a lower level form then demons. They follow
the same exact traits and habits
as demons, except that they are spirits and are not at the level of
power that most demons are on. It is very much like the ant kingdom,
where you have worker ants, queen ants, slave ants and so on.
Demon spirit entities are just on a lower level then actual demons, but they are very similar in nature.
The next type of spirit entity is the "bully spirit entity".
The bully spirit entity is the entity who bully's the people it
possesses. Bully spirit entities like to push around and dominate the
people they possess. Bully spirit entities are those who while alive on
earth as humans spent their time bullying people, pushing people around,
and dominating the weaker or less strong people.
The bully used fear as his or her power and dominated those around him
or her as a way to hide and mask his or her own weaknesses and flaws.
The bully is a person who had a lot of unresolved pain and emotions and
the only way the bully knew how to handle those emotions and problems
was to push around other people. The bully gets his or her power from
dominating the weaker or less powerful.
The bully may have been a police officer, security guard or other type
of law enforcement officer. The bully then followed the same exact
lifestyle and habits
that it had when it was alive, after it died. The bully spirit entity
chose to be the same exact person it was as a human after it entered the
spiritual dimension.
The last type of negative spirit entity is the "sorcerer spirit entity".
Sorcerer spirit entities are a special type of spirit entity that
steals parts of personal power and soul from the people they possess.
Sorcerer spirit entities are those who while on earth as humans spent
their time stealing other people's power.
The sorcerer spirit entity may have been the dominating person in a
sexual relationship, the boss or some other type of figure who liked to
have power over others. Sorcerer spirit entities were also actual
sorcerers in their time on earth. Sorcerers were those who used dark
magic, dark power, or dark intention to have power over others. Many
sorcerers came from the medieval ages where sorcery was very common. The
common sorcerer in our times is the energy and power thief, the rapist,
or any type of person who chooses to steal other people's power or soul.
Sorcery in its truest definition is using the power of the dark side to have power over others.
Sorcerer spirit entities when attached to people will actually steal
parts of personal power or soul. These stolen parts of power or soul are
kept in a hiding place in the spiritual dimension.
When removed these sorcerer spirit entities must give up these parts of
power they have stolen. Sorcerer spirit entities when attached to a
person will steal as much personal power and energy as they can while
they are attached to a person. Sorcerer spirit entities work hand in
hand with the dark forces to create more power and energy loss (soul
loss) in the energy field, which causes more dark entities to attach to
that person.
The more power and energy stolen from a person, the more cuts and
holes develop in the energy field, and the more energetically weak and
vulnerable that person becomes. The deeper a person's energetic weakness
or vulnerability the easier that person becomes open to the attachment
of darker level entities. The more dark entities that attach to a person
the more energy and power is taken from that person and the easier that
person becomes a victim to energetic sickness, which develops
physically into emotional, mental and energetic problems.
All energetic sickness is based on power and energy loss (soul loss)
which causes cuts and holes to develop in the energy field which allows
the entry of dark forces and spirits. Soul retrieval is an ancient
healing method which closes these cuts and holes in the energy field and
restores lost power and energy (soul), but it does not remove any
attached dark forces or spirits.
A common practice among healers who perform soul retrieval is to
close up the cuts and holes in the energy field but not remove any
attached dark forces or spirits. This is caused by a lack of
understanding of how dark forces and spirits function or an
unwillingness to accept their existence.
People need to understand that dark forces and spirits are not a form
of belief, but a form of energy who's intent is to harm the people they
attach to. Until a person develops an advanced level of spiritual consciousness,
which includes the possession of dark forces and spirits that person is
not yet at the level of an advanced being. We need to give up our preconceived notions of what we think is real
and not real in order to fully evolve beyond our current level of
consciousness. This is what will ultimately decide your level of
consciousness. For if you are unwilling to accept the existence of dark
and lower level beings you have chosen to limit your consciousness to
that which you understand.
Healers Who Cannot Heal You
In the world of healers there are some of which that have no
experience or understanding with dealing with your kind of issues. These
healers may be able to work on certain things about you that they
understand, but have no experience or understanding with your particular
I think we put our trust into healers, and although there may be some
who can help us, there are many who will not be able to. Not to say
that these types of healers are useless as they have something they can
do to help you, but it may not be what you actually need.
When working with a new healer it is important to examine whether
they have experience with your issue and how they can help you. It's
also important to examine how they speak, the words they use, and how
they approach your types of problems. An important thing I look for when
talking to a new healer is asking them specific questions and noticing
how they respond. For instance if I was to ask a healer: Do you do soul
retrieval work?, and they say "Well that's not really how I work", yet
they use the title of shaman, then that makes me think this may not be
someone I should work with, as they are not able to be honest about the
work they do.
One of the problems that many healers have no experience with or
little understanding with is spirit attachment. Spirit attachment is one
of those touchy subjects that frightens many so-called healers and
As a teenager I remember having problems with spirit attachments and
having a hard time finding a healer who fully understood what they were
doing and how to handle my sort of issue. Many of the healers who I
contacted had very little experience dealing with spirit attachments, or
they were afraid of working with them, or they seemed to disbelieve in
their existence, or they had methods that seemed too complex and time
Being in a position where I needed help immediately and finding
almost every healer I talked to being unable or unwilling to help me
with my particular problem was very frustrating. As I had thought that
these are supposed healers I am talking to, so why would they not be
able to help me? I later found a healer to work with, but then after a
month she called me and said she could not work with me as "My issue was
not something she felt comfortable dealing with", but that she would
refer me to another healer who could help me. The other healer she referred me was able to help me, and she fixed my problems. But at what expense?
I had to go through a phone book of different healers including shamanic
healers, energy healers and so on, who were all unable to help me
because of their lack of understanding and experience. What is worse is that I seriously needed help and time was an issue, and
I was forced to suffer for a month while waiting on another healer.
I also experienced something similar to this with soul retrieval work
a few years after that. I had lost a part of my soul due to some
trauma, but I was told by two different "shamanic" healers that I was
fine and nothing was wrong with me. Fortunately I have a strong connection with my own spirit guides/teachers which told me repeatedly that I was missing power and had soul loss, not only that but I am someone who knows when something is wrong with me. So I found another healer who called himself a "shaman", yet
during the entire session he made me do breath work while bending my
body in different positions. After an hour of breath work, he did a soul
retrieval in a way that I had never seen a shamanic healer do soul
retrieval. He didn't breathe them back into me and he told me to
visualize them coming back to me. After working with this "shaman" I was
not fully healed and still missing a soul piece. I was then forced to
contact and pay an old healer who I knew was "more advanced" who did find that I was missing power, and he did a complete soul retrieval and
found all my lost soul parts.
This situation showed me that not all healers who you contact will see
the same thing, some will see things that others do not, and only some
will be able to help you with your particular problem.
I also think the word "shaman" is a loosely used term which any
energy healer feels he can use. To me a real shaman is someone who heals
spiritual related issues, such as doing "complete" soul retrieval work,
clearing spirit entities and/or demons, returning lost power, acting as
psychopomp (guiding spirits to the light), clearing negative thought
forms, and restoring balance on a spiritual and energetic level.
Ego also seems to be commonplace in the world of healers, in that
many healers believe they are all knowing, and that there is nothing
they do not see or know, for if there is anything they need to know they
would be shown it. What I have been told by my spirit teachers is that
healers that operate like this have actually become closed off on a
consciousness level due to their own ego, and that their choices have
caused them to not see certain things. For instance, one healer who I
knew told me she did not believe in dark forces or demons, and that if
they were real she would be shown them. I was told by my spirit teachers
that she would not be shown them because she had chosen to not see
them, and that she was not ready to deal with that realm, and so in an
attempt to hide her own limitations and consciousness she would come up
with various excuses and explanations for why she did not see them. This
is only an example of how some humans choose to stop their evolution
based on their own thoughts.
I have also noticed that a lot of healers like to create their own
explanation for the way things happen, such as saying things like "Well
maybe the reason I did not see your problem is you would take care of it
yourself", or "Maybe the reason I did not see your problem is you were
not ready for it to be healed". I tend to believe that a healer who
operates like this tends to live in denial of certain things and chooses
to create their own reality based on their own thoughts rather then
being honest with themselves and looking at things for the way they
actually are.
There are also certain healers who say they do certain things but do not do them, such as psychics
who claim to remove negative entities, or "cleansings of negativity",
or shamans that claim to use spells or magic to bring good luck or
money. In the world of spirit and energy there is no such thing as a
good luck spell, and most psychics
who say they remove negative entities or do "cleansings" are really
only giving you some of their own clean energy, they are not really
removing anything from you but your money and time. Most people who
operate like this are not healers and are mostly thieves of people's
power, money, and energy. I have also heard of dark shamans that use
dark power to steal their clients soul and energy. I tend to believe
that people who work with shamans and psychics
like this actually want to be swindled out of their money and power,
otherwise they would have been guided by their higher selves to a healer
of honesty and integrity.
Fortunately most of the healers I have worked with did what they were
supposed to do and were who they said they were. The few healers who I
have worked with who were not what they said they were (around 1 or 2), I
had actually been given a psychic sense and inner message about prior
to working with them that they were not up to par or worth working with,
but I chose to work with them anyway as I was in a difficult situation
and needed help. I think we need to trust that voice within ourselves
because it knows more about the people we are dealing with then our
conscious minds will allow us to understand.
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